This month we have some new milestones:
-Can pull to standing
-Can transport self FORWARDS - both lurching and through animatronic baby crawling
-Says Dada, Mama, and "mmmm!" for more. HAS said foot, up, down, play, and "Sssss" (Sam)
-Eats avocado, banana, applesauce, peaches, pears, blueberries, zucchini, mango, green beans, peas, prunes (sometimes necessary, yes), carrots, lima beans, and iron-fortified baby oatmeal! He also loves his Baby Mum-mum rice crackers
-He loves going out to play, and still loves Benny and David (and other babies - especially strange ones)
-He likes strangers and will smile and talk to most people he meets
-He shakes his head "no" when you try to wipe his face (he also shakes his head no because he knows people think its funny)
-He imitates faces - will raise his eyebrows and open his mouth if you do the same
-He only has two teeth currently, but he's really working hard for the others
-Still in some 6-9 months, and other 9-12 months, size 3 diapers - size 0-6 month shoes (he's never going to learn to walk on those little things!)
-He loves the swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house - especially when David is using the slide and talks to him!
-He loves "peanut butter" (when we smash the peanut - him)
-He hates the grass and contorts himself into fantastic yoga positions to avoid it
-When he is bored by a book or ready for bed he'll close it. If he's ready for bed he'll reach for Goodnight, Moon instead