Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy 9 Month Birthday!

So, I've been lazy. Here's this month's photo - see previous post for last month's!

His whistling/shocked pose

Clothes: From 6-9 mos to 12-18 mos.
Foods: He eats great, but is a reformed lima bean lover. His new favorite is roasted root veggies (parsnips, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes). I'm not a fan of the resulting diapers, though. Chicken, beef, and turkey are also all delicious.
Words: He says Mama and Dada, and knows who we are. Words he uses consistently and correctly are Heh-duh (for Aunt Heather), Day! (for David), tickle, ickle, ickle, ickle...(for tickle), head, uh-oh, and hi-fi! (high five). A new one time only word of the month is "cat."
Milestones and Achievements: Sammy is now a speed crawler. Despite our attempts to prevent it, he can go up and down a single stair with ease, though this is quite dangerous as he goes down head-first. He pulls up on furniture and walks along it. He waves "hi" and "bye" and claps when you say "yay!" He also gives high fives and initiates this game on his own, raising his hand and saying "hi-fi!" When he wants kisses he makes kissy noises, and asks for tickles by saying "tickle, tickle, tickle!" He can finally put the blocks in David's giraffe toy (thanks, Grandpa!). When something is surprising or he is trying to get your attention, he makes his shocked face, which can sometimes be confused with his whistling face. Although he can't whistle, he tries (and sometimes vocalizes it instead). He loves other babies and is very friendly with strangers. He also spent his first evening with his Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ian this month! He still doesn't like grass, but we're working on it.

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